oh, hi.

It's amazing how time flies when you have an adorable baby to kiss, hold, take care of, and just stare at all day! Somehow I've managed to let more than a week go by without so much as thinking about looking at the blog! Yikes!

Last weekend we took a really long and way too short trip for my cousin's baby shower. That sounds a little weird, so let me explain... We drove 7 hours, straight to the shower on Saturday morning, visited with a few friends and family on Sunday and drove back home Sunday night! All the driving was exhausting, and we definitely did not get enough visiting time! If we could have I think we would have stayed all week!

It was a lot of fun though, seeing everyone, and seeing my cousins big ol' baby bump! I'm so excited that Sage will have a cousin so close in age! They are going to have so much fun together!

I wish I would've taken some pictures, it was such a cute shower, but, I was busy with Sage. The little stinker was up pretty much the whole drive being cute for me, and was SO tired when we got there. He was NOT a happy camper!

So, besides that busy weekend, my only excuse for not keeping up around here is one handsome little boy. Which is a pretty amazing reason if you ask me!


  1. So handsome! Don't worry a blog is an outlet not a requirement!

  2. Just found your blog! It's ahhmazing, if I do say so. I've been going through the whole I-see-babies-everywhere-must-have thing. Thank goodness for birth control called a Low Bank Account.

    Your little guy is quite the cutie.

  3. It sounds like you guys had a lovely time! And your little dude is so handsome! He's totally worth missing out on a little blog time ;]
    And, well, when you're enjoying a cutie like that, is it really "missing out"? ;]

  4. adorable!



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